One United Church of Christ

1730 New Holland Road, Kenhorst, Reading, PA  19607
"Adapting, Welcoming, Serving, Growing in Faith"

This is an exciting time in our communal life together. We’re discovering God’s surprises and we hope that you will be one of God’s surprises to our community. Come and worship and share in fellowship with us…there’s a place for you here!
 7:30 PM – Come as You Are AA Meeting
 9:00 AM – C, D & B (Coffee, Donuts, & Bingo) Senior Group
 6:00 PM – Narcotics Anonymous Meeting (6 pm to 8pm)
 10:30 AM – Worship Service
  Winter Worship Series: How do we live a Christian life?
  The winter worship series will begin on Sunday, January 19, and end on Sunday, March 2. The sermon topics will answer the question of "how do we live a Christian life?'

  We Now Have Online Giving!
  Simply click the "Online Giving" link on the left, for further info!

  Did you know we have a weekly church email?
  If you would like to receive the latest One UCC news and updates, please email and let us know you would like to subscribe or let Pastor Becky know you’d like to subscribe.

The weekly church email usually arrives on Thursdays or Fridays. If you have subscribed but aren’t finding it, check your junk mail settings.

  We're Now on Instagram!
  One UCC has launched an Instagram account! The Holy Spirit called One to venture into a new space to share the ministry of the Church with others. By venturing into a new space, we hope to share our ministry with a wider variety of people. If you would like to follow this account, you can go to Instagram and search for OneUCCKenhorst or One United Church of Christ.

  CAN you spare a minute...
  Did you know One UCC collects aluminum beverage cans we recycle to help fund our ministry? We will gladly take any aluminum beverage cans you drop off at church. If you wish to drop some off, please call the office (610-777-5211) to arrange a time to do so. **Please note we ONLY accept aluminum beverage cans. Please do not give us your tin cans (pet food cans, fruit cans, etc...)

  The Little Food Pantry Continues!
  It’s becoming colder and the Little Food Pantry is needed now more than ever! December means that the temperatures are getting below freezing, so please only place items that don’t have liquid in them or are not in glass containers. Any donations you can make are greatly appreciated.

With around a third of our community struggling to make ends meet, any donations, or monetary donations if you don't want to go shopping, are appreciated. Donations can be placed directly in the Little Food Pantry. If the box is full, please place donations inside the church. The Little Food Pantry will be monitored a few times a week to make sure that it is continually stocked. Anyone who is in need may walk up and take what they want/need. If you have any questions, please contact the church office. Thank you for your support!

  Please note the church office hours are changing due to staffing.

Pastor Becky has office hours only on Sundays 9am-noon.

Nancy McNabb has office hours on Tuesdays from 9:30am 12:30pm. Please call before you stop by to make sure no one’s schedule has changed.

In case you need the contact information:
• We are on Facebook and search for One United Church of Christ! Like our page!
• Pastor Becky’s Contact Info: 610-621-2891, home phone 301-471-3185, cell phone/texting
• Nancy McNabb’s Contact Info: 484-269-2374
• Church Contact Info: or 610-777-5211

The fastest way to reach Pastor Becky is by texting her cell phone.

  Help Both Our Church and Our Planet at the Same Time!
  You can do that by recycling your used printer ink cartridges through Planet Green Recycling!

There are two ways to participate.
1. Drop off used ink cartridges at church and we will submit to “Planet Green Recycling”


2. Mail in cartridges yourself doing the following: a. Open the following link on PC:
b. Click on item 2 “Free USPS Label”
c. Fill in label request:
i. Your First and Last Name
ii. Your Email address
iii. Organization Program Code: Enter 31591
iv. Address - Enter Church address:
1730 New Holland Road
Kenhorst, Pa. 19607
v. Identify how many cartridges YOU MUST SEND AT LEAST 4
vi. You will receive a prepaid label in your email to mail in cartridges
vii. Box up cartridges, attached label and drop off at post office

Check will be mailed directly to “One United Church of Christ. The church will receive $1.00 for every cartridge (commonly used cartridges).

If you choose to mail in your cartridges yourself, it is very important to make sure to include the church’s Organization Program Code so we receive credit for your cartridges.

Thank you so much for your support!!!

  CommunityAid Partnersdhip
  One UCC is officially a partner with CommunityAid! Going forward, we will be collecting clothing, shoes, and accessories in good and sellable condition at church.

These items then will be taken to CommunityAid for resale, and One UCC directly receives financial credit for any donations made under our name and with our partner number. The Mission Ministry team has set up a collection container in the church building.

If you wish to take items directly to CommunityAid (any location), you can donate them under One UCC’s name and partner number, and our congregation will get credit for your donation. Our partner number is 50161.

For more information about CommunityAid and the types of donations they accept, please visit

Welcome to One United Church of Christ. Our church has a new vision statement: "Adapting, Welcoming, Serving, Growing in Faith." Come join us for worship service at 10:30 am on Sunday as we continue to grow this new vision. Our liturgies are crafted in a new way that is welcoming and easy to follow. Our music programs are outstanding with the leadership of our Director of Music, Jeff Miller, who is also composer, producer, and multi-instrumentalist for Simon Apple and Celtic World Orchestra. We hope you will come visit soon and experience our warm hospitality!

Questions, please email us at

Contact Info                 Email Us                 Home Page                 Conference Website                 UCC Website