Colossians 3:16 - "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts SING PSALMS, HYMNS, and SPIRITUAL SONGS to God."
Audio Ministry
Our 10:15am service is recorded and transferred to CD's for anyone who missed the service that week. These CD's are available to borrow or purchase for a nominal fee. See Music Minister Tony Godorecci for CD's or information.
Ongoing Music 010 Class - Tuesday, January 22nd at 7PM
Music Minister Tony Godorecci is offering music classes once or twice a month focusing on basic music skills including how to read music and basic music theory. Materials are provided to all attendees.
Olivet's "Small but Mighty" Chancel choir assists in leading worship and singing praises to God during our Sunday morning service. Add your voice from the pews or from the choir stalls if you have the calling to SING PSALMS, HYMNS, and SPIRTUAL SONGS to God."
(The Chancel Choir rehearses start up again on September 6th, at 7pm in the Choir room at the church. Please consider joining the Chancel Choir as we are always looking for new members to add to the harmony.
All are WELCOME to join Olivet's Hand-Bell Choir which performs on Christmas Eve, Easter Sunday, and Music Ministry Recognition Sunday (June 9th). If you have a basic knowledge of music and the ability to follow printed music on the page, director of Music Ministries Tony Godorecci, will guide you and you can add a beautiful tone of your own in these worship performances.
Come One! Come All!
Come up to the altar when the congregation is invited to join the choir and SING A HYMN every 2nd Sunday. All are welcome regardless of age or musical talent. God hears the song your heart, which is always in-key!
Luke 18:16 - "Let the little children come to me and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs."
CHILDRENS CHOIR - "Make A Joyful Noise Singers"
The Olivet children under the direction of Beth Williams practice once a month after worship service in preparation for specific short songs throughout the year. All children are welcome and encouraged to participate.