Salem United Church of Christ

307 Covered Bridge Road, Oley, PA  19547
"People Responding to a Still Speaking God"

Hello, I am Pastor Bob Witmyer and I welcome you to Salem UCC. Thank you for visiting our website. We especially enjoy welcoming new friends, and we hope you will visit us soon!
 9:00 AM – Sunday School for All Ages
 10:15 AM – Worship @ Christ Lutheran
 9:00 AM – Quilters & Crafters
 6:30 PM – Consistory Meeting
  Installation of Officers
  During the Service on January 19th, we will be installing the new officers of both churches for this coming year. This service will be held in conjunction with a special service that day honoring all those who serve the church. All officers should attend this service of consecration and installation
  Service Sunday
  On January 19th at 10:15 AM, we will hold a special service to recognize all those who serve our churches. We all have been given special gifts by God and we use them in various ways to serve the church. During worship, we will uplift many who have done so much for Christ ELCA and Salem UCC over the years. Following the worship, there will be a lite luncheon for everyone. Salem members will be supplying the dessert. Please bring a dessert if you are able.
  Blanket Sunday
  On January 26th, we will have our Blanket Sunday mission offering. You will find an envelope at church or in the bulletin on Jan. 12th and 19th so you can give to this important mission. Blankets+ means that Church World Service is there for the long haul as people recover from a disaster. It also means they provide support to families struggling against grinding poverty as they seek to develop viable, sustainable livelihoods – wells, livestock, micro credit, and health training. Blankets + also means you, because without you and our congregation, World service could not do this work. Our gifts provide the means to transform lives and communities during difficult times. Please consider a gift this year for Blanket Sunday. It may change your life, and it will definitely change the life of those who have no hope without Church World Service.

Welcome to Salem UCC, a diverse group from different backgrounds, different places, and with different gifts, all joining together as a family to do the work of the church. We are a community who believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, a community that strives to be faithful in all that it does for the glory of God. We are an active, talented group here at Salem UCC. There are many niches to fill. Some are as traditional and long-standing as the Church itself. Other niches are filled by people who come along and create them! Everybody fits here because we are family. Who are We? We are people who value faithful commitment, full devotion to Jesus, praise and worship, teamwork, and raising children and youth in the Christian faith. We are the family of God here at Salem UCC. Come meet the family!

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